My Name Is Gavin

My super power is clarity, patience & clean logic.

I also love the art and science of teaching.

Do I know everything about tech? Absolutely not. The speed at which tech is evolving is exponential.

However, what I am really good at is being able to find the logic behind how things work and then explain it to you in such a way where you can understand the essential concept of it.

Of course, it varies with each person and it may take a few different ways of explaining things before it clicks. However, you’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll learn and pick things up! So please don’t sell yourself short.

private tech and computer assistance for adults and seniors in victoria, saanich and sidney BC

Thanks for coming to my site and having a look. I hope this little snippet gives you a sense of who I am and what it could be like to work with me.

So, in my life, i’ve been an instructor and teacher in quite a few different and unique roles. In one of my careers, I was a professional scuba instructor and taught hundreds of people how to dive all over the world. I guided them, in what they felt was an intimidating environment, held their hands (literally) and allowed them to discover the wonders of the aquatic world.

From about 1991-1998, I also used to teach marine biology at the Vancouver Aquarium. It was my home away from home. I was part of the volunteer recruitment and training team, where we helped eager new docents join our ranks, trained them and got them involved in all things marine and educational.

I am also a Master Meditation Practitioner. This is my great passion in life which I’ve dedicated a large part to exploring. I’ve spent the last 20 years studying and living this practice, of which 10 years was spent in India with my remarkable Guru.

So all this experience has help me develop a skill to explain things, in such a way where you’ll understand the big picture.

I hope I can help make tech easier for you and help you discover how it can make your life a bit easier, if not more enjoyable. Drop me a line and let’s have a chat!

In the mean time, enjoy some photos below of the things I’ve done and places I’ve been. Cheers!

- Gavin

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My first diving job - Xcaret, Playa del Carmet, Mexico

My 2nd dive job, Club Med, Playa Blanca, Jalisco

Club Med Playa Blanca - teaching guests and colleagues how to dive.

The magical and medival village of Bhalyani, Himachal Pradesh, Himalayas

victoria seniors computer tech help

Some Shots of My Life & Times